SSC HSC GSEB Result 2019, GSEB Result 2019.
Check your GSEB SSC Result 2019/GSEB HSC Result 2019, you need to follow these steps:

Enter the valid login particulars such as roll number, name, etc. Candidates can search result name-wise or roll number-wise. Click on the search button.
The result sheet will appear. Check the result carefully. Save or take a printout of the result sheet for future correspondence.
GSEB Has announcement of the dates of the standard ten and twelve results will be announced on this date. Shortly before, the date of the results of the examination of Class 10 and 12 examinations conducted by the Board of Education has been announced. The Result of standard 10 will be on the 28th of May. When the Result of the standard 12 science stream will be announced on May 10. The standard 12th general stream date will be announced on May 31, 2019. It is significant that 10,50,000 students were enrolled in standard 10. A Total of 1,571,160 students were enrolled in science stream this year. 5,22,091 students of the general stream were enrolled.