Official CTET Notification 2019-20 By
Official CTET Notification 2019-20.
CTET December 2019: The 13th edition of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) will be held on 8 December, the CBSE will be confirmed on 16 August. One of the largest recruitment exams, CTET determines a candidate’s eligibility for appointment as a teacher. Online registration for class 1 to 8. CTET has started. Candidates can fill the online application form through the registration portal which will remain active till 18 September.
The facility of depositing the application fee will be open till 23 September.
The State Examination is conducted for two papers – Paper I is for Primary Classes (for classes 1 to 5) for teachers and Paper II is for Teachers in the initial stage (for classes 6 to 8). Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria for both papers can apply for both papers.
In CTET, the questions will be related to child development and pedagogy, mathematics, social studies, and environmental studies. There will also be two language papers.
The exam is conducted in 20 languages.
Notification of CTET